Contact us

Write to us at 68 High Street, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3BG

To find out more about any events in the house or garden, contact the Chair of the Challis Trust, Rosemary Phillips, at or 01223 560816. You can also get notifications about events and opening times by liking our Facebook page.

To find out when the garden is open, and how to get here, see our page about the Challis Garden.

We are always happy to arrange group visits to the house or garden at times other than opening times — please download our request form to arrange a visit.


2024 Horticultural Show

The 2024 Challis Horticultural Show & Fete will be held on Saturday 7th September.

To enter the Horticultural Show, collect an entry form from the Challis Garden or the dispensers at the two allotment sites, or download the form, and return it completed by Thursday 5th September.


Challis Garden volunteers

If you’d like to volunteer to help in the garden, please contact Mike Redshaw on 834511 or Rosie Phillips on 560816.



If you’ve spotted something wrong on the website or run into a technical problem, or you’d like to ask about getting a similar website set up, please contact Beck Laxton, who designed this one.