
In the February–March 2018 issue of Sawston Scene, Mike Redshaw reported that the main objective of the trust for 2018 would be to complete the refurbishment and decorating of the house to allow the complete transfer of the Sawston Village History Society archives from the Parish Council office for long-term storage.

The collection of documents and artefacts will be properly collated and archived as a resource for the village. It is hoped there will be enough volunteers to act as archivists during regular opening times, to assist visitors to locate information and view documents. 

For the safe keeping of the village archives, further improvements are needed to heating, ventilation and security. Clearly, the right climatic conditions must be achieved to ensure these records are maintained in good condition for future generations. When the house is fully finished, it will provide space for permanent displays and exhibition rooms, a meeting room, an office, a library and storage space for archives. 

For the exhibition about the first world war, details were complied about every Sawston man who lost his life